Wednesday, December 29, 2004

The Jockstrap

I have been chatting with a dude on AOL who is really interested in sports gear. I wasn't a very good athlete in high school,but I did participate somewhat. I remember the lcocker room. I've seen many a porno with the boys in on the football team 'doing one another.'

Anyhow, for the past week, at around 10:30 ish, when I come home from the gutter, I've been busy chatting to this dude about a certain black jockstrap I've been wearing to the gym for 2 weeks. He wants me to give it to him in exchange for one of his.

Flash forward to tonite, while at a certain gym [(which will remain nameless)in Chelsea] where I workout, getting into it with some prissy bitch in the locker room who got all up in my face until I took him on knowing if it came to fisticuffs I’d flatten him. (Not that I’ve ever done that.) Someone challenged me, and I rose to the occasion, and then fell apart inside even though my rough exterior didn't betray the man inside. Instead, I growled at him and flatly told him "it wasn't my policy to hit people anymore," and that if he wanted to solve his problems we should have gone somewhere else to talk. When he declined my offer I told him to mind his own business. I digress.

Consequently, I feel kinda lousy for that experience, and now the lcockerroom seems really unsafe to play out my jockstrap roleplay with this guy from online. I mean, he's somebody I don’t even know. What if he’s ugly? It is such a toss up, cuz, just the scenario in and of itself is hot, right?


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