Should I move to LA?
Yesterday, Janusz got angry at me again, and lunged at me again, and I had to clock him, again. Again. I do not like having to defend myself. I usually hire lawyers for that. It always leaves a very bad taste in my mouth when people treat me badly, and I'm always thrown into a slight depression whenever I have to flex my muscles in self-defense, especially with a lover. What a jerk. He was a great fuck and all, and I will miss his amazing sense of humor and his gorgeous beefy Polish body, but Janusz is history, and I am once again a single whore.
For the last three months, I had given up my dreams of being an actor, and tried to focus my energies on a day job at a company managed by a friend. I actually enjoyed the life of a real person with a 9-5 job and a steady relationship. The paycheck was very nice too, because it allowed me to get back on track with my credit card debt, but all of that ended yesterday when I got an ass-whupping from Janusz, and when I got fired from my job.
I don't think that I was ever cut out to be in sales. Getting fired from a job I never liked has forced me to shift into high gear and hone my marketable skills towards a career as an actor. I have a brother who lives in Los Angeles named Artie, and he will allow me to stay with him while I pursue some leads and look for some work.
There's an extra Mercedez Benz that I've already bought and secured insurance on, and Artie has a garden that I can tend to when I need refuge. I have found someone to sublet my apartment in Morningside Heights with the gorgeous str8 roommate, and I will be arriving in Los Angeles this Saturday afternoon.
I never realized that following my dreams would put so much crapola into my lap, and after all the shit-bombs I've encountered over the last few months, I need a change of scenery. I hope my tempest-tossed, hairy ass will find something good in California.
Maybe a fresh start will make your blog more interesting. I've been bored lately.
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