Earning Rent the Hard Way
"I will not be regarded as a worn out old shoe!" "You can't just cast me aside like that." "You're still paying me the session fee."
I still can't believe I said the bit about the worn out old shoe, but after a very hard week of drinking too much, complete with the binging and purging, the photographer was complaining about dark circles under my eyes. I really needed to suspend my reality and try to comprehend what he was talking about, but before I was able, he blurted out that my crows feet could not be fixed with makeup. I don't care what anybody says, modeling is VERY hard work for that reason alone. Even more confusing is the fact that I don't have crows feet. This photographer is notorious for saying shit like that, but even so, that is hitting below the belt, and it is not a nice thing to hear. Everybody knows that a worn out old shoe doesn't photograph as well as one that's factory fresh. My agent told me that I acted desperate, and that I'll probably not work again as a model, but that's ok since this gig hasn't paid very well for me. I made a grand total of $10,000 which barely covered the cost of my materials. But she was understanding. And very sincere when she told me about MMFO.
Good thing I'm not a Male Model, because MMFO stands for Male Model Freak Out and it happens to all male models once they turn 33. It does, however, hold the promise of ruggedness, so all is not lost. I'm having a problem with it because it really is the final nail in the coffin of my youth. I'm going to regulate my diet once and for all to prepare for a gawky phase akin to puberty, only from this phase, I'll emerge older and distinguished. It is hot to watch sexy men age. She put me down to have lunch with her at Barney Green Grass this Friday, so we'll talk more at that point. Theodore Greene needs a new career.
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