Tuesday, April 19, 2005

I still hate the Pope.

The weather has become such that I sleep with my window cracked. Finally. So tonight, with this window cracked, I am hearing the city below, but mostly, the chirping of street urchin birds (not pidgeons) who have built a nest in the trees outside of my window.

I'm also listening to a great piece of music, Magnificat Primi Toni on my iPod, so as not to wake the birds. I'll want to sleep soon, and every night they chirp away at odd hours. Loudly. I think when I play choral music at a low volume, they're stimulated to sing along. I have to admit it is nice. Chirping birds inspire happiness and if I don't have to pay anything for that, bring it on.

This music is kick ass. It is a setting of the Latin Mass by a Mexican composer named Francisco Lopez y Capilla. Sort of like McLatin Mass. It covers all bases of the Latin Mass in under 6 minutes, and it does so beautifully. It is classical music that is easy to digest and that's why we love it.

In between each movement, there are small segments of sexy gregorian chant, which conjure images of men in long vestments walking in rows down long hallways of shame with their heads bowed low. But this recording has chicks on it, so women are now forced into my scenario. Both sexes are depicted. Priests and Prioresses. All unhappy. All have probably beaten up at least one kid in front of the entire class at some point in their careers. If only they had stopped there. These people all voted Alfred E. Smith for President back in the day, too.

Anyhow, as I listened further, the kinky scenario passed and the beautiful music brought me a peace and stillness like I haven't felt in awhile. Are such feelings good enough to justify all the sins the Catholic Church has committed against me?

I guess it would be part of my healing to accept the healing power of this healing music and decide that I am now healed. I know I must forgive the Pope for what he has done, since he's now dead, but I'm not sorry he's dead. Are these white doves of peace chirping outside my window, and could it be yet another sign for me tonight?


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