Tuesday, January 29, 2008

#1: Theodore is Definitely not a Whore.

In the face of the Same Sex Marriage Debate, one has to realize that not every gay guy out there operates under the assumption that it is healthy for two males to behave the same way a male/female pair behaves.

Many people attach significance to sexuality as if it is a gift to the partner to strengthen a committment, and for women, to raise a family. White wedding dresses, chastity, purity, Immaculate Mary, etc...

Gay guys do not have sex with one another in order to procreate, therefore following this paradigm will lead us down sketchy emotional paths which dilute our individuality and defy the base masculine idea behind our orgasm, which, in many cases, amounts to a simple getting of our rocks off so that we can manifest our creativity into something which serves as our gift to the Universe. There are many options, and same-sex happiness ideals should not be the same as those of a heterosexual relationship. That is like comparing apples and oranges.

I'm always weary of guys who are preoccupied with finding a husband asap, or those who have a list of rules and regulations. Perhaps these are shallow pursuits, and these guys place too much emphasis on illogical things they THINK they need in order to be happy. All I need to be happy is a best friend and so sometimes I clash with guys who divulge their list of relationship chores a bit too early.

Mr. Right. Knowing full well that most of us will drop our trousers in 10 seconds or less for the meat of someone altogether wrong-but-hot, we shouldn't cling to the centuries-old, heterosexual trend of looking for Mr. Right. We should instead look for our best friend, and endeavor to a relationship consisting of something completely mutual, which makes us both wholly enriched.


Blogger itsmecissy said...

Mr. Greene,
Same-sex couples deserve exactly the same benefits and protections under the law as everyone else, but this issue is not merely an argument of semantics over the term "marriage," it's a civil rights issue.

Bottom line: Consenting adults should be able to assume the obligations of a civil union regardless of how their neighbors view their morality.


1:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exactly. Agree completely with the previous comment. It's about the ability to enter into a legally binding contract (called marriage).
The same means testing should apply to everyone, e.g. Must be free to marry, i.e. of legal age, not already married, etc. No more for some nor less for others.

8:36 AM  

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