Maybe I should have stayed in NYC.
I'm not into porno sex with dudes who shave off all their body hair and shout out stupid dirty words during sex cuz they can't think of anything better to say, but I'm not complaining either. I do miss Zabars. And I miss the A train. Californians pay big for their art, but their fanmail always comes addressed to N...Y...C.
Go back Theo, we won't miss you!!
Now that was rude, whoever you are! I like reading his journal, othwerise I wouldn't come here.
Theodore, Don't give up your dreams!
Give yourself some time to get adjusted. It can't be that bad!
Theo - I've been here for a number of years, and LA idiots (most of the populus) has gotten progressively worse in their selfishness rudeness and insanity. This society (term used loosely) is breaking down, day by day - and only those of us with any bit of decency, and it doesnt take much, do see it and their actions/behavior for what it is. Dont succumb to the ways of the selfish.
I've lived in both places, and guys are pretty much assholes all over, but there's more meth abuse in LA.
Theo, any idea how many people hate reading your blog? Pick me! Pick me!
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