Burning Sage After a Bad Dinner Date

Just now, I asked a date to leave my apartment immediately. I had a very bad time on this, our second date. The first date was purely sex and it was fun. It happened last week in the men's room at CBS TV, and I had a great time, but agreeing to dinner was probably a mistake. It took dinner to finally convince me that this guy was a clumsy fool, and that things between us worked better sexually, and when I was the one in charge. Now, after getting to know him, I simply wasn't interested. And I don't even care that he's a Katrina Survivor. And when I told him that I wasn't interested in having sex a second time, something not so pleasant ensued. I think my other mistake tonight was inviting him inside my apartment after dinner. I caught a glimpse of what women must fear when their date can't take no for an answer.
That is why you see this photo of me burning sage in my apartment, to rid the place of toxic energies. I pray that I don't get a brick thrown through my front picture window later on tonight. This guy was very irrational, and knows where I live, after all.
I hope he pulls a Glenn Close on your ass and cooks up some rabbit stew!
Your thumb has a nice shape I would LOVE to see your dick.
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